Upcoming event: school energy improvements – measures & funding options (inc. Salix)
The event in brief Topic: Energy improvements for schools: typical measures, funding options (inc. Salix), and sharing Windmill Primary School’s experienceDate: Wednesday 26 May 2021Time: 8.30-9.30amLink to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkd-itqzMrE9BY8cQqsHf4z4GvFNX1FRcH More details Oxfordshire’s buildings are old, inefficient, and constantly wasting energy. In fact, in the UK buildings are responsible for 29% of total carbon emissions– and…
Energy improvements for manufacturing businesses [webinar recording]
Manufacturing businesses typically waste significant amounts of energy - but there are ways to reduce this, cutting carbon emissions and bills. Join us to explore energy improvements in manufacturing, and gain an insight into applying for an Energy Pioneer Award.
Upcoming event: energy improvements for manufacturing businesses
The event in brief Topic: Energy improvements for manufacturing businesses – and an invitation to apply for an Energy Pioneer AwardDate: 22nd April 2021Time: 11am-12pmLink to register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/energy-improvements-for-manufacturing-businesses-and-an-invitation-to-app-tickets-145229624717 More details Oxfordshire’s buildings are old, inefficient, and constantly wasting energy – and that includes our workplaces: offices, warehouses, manufacturing plants etc. In fact, in the UK…