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LED lighting could save £4,000 a year on energy for Thames Cryogenics

Thames Cryogenics are based in an early 1990s industrial park building with a workshop, offices and storage.

Following an Energy Efficiency Assessment, they learnt that by upgrading their lighting systems from fluorescent tubes to LEDs they could reduce their energy bills by over £4,000 a year and cut their carbon emissions by 15 tonnes a year.


a year saved on energy bills


Tonnes of CO2 saved a year

The new lighting system system not only reduces energy expenses and carbon emissions but also demands less maintenance, leading to additional cost savings. Moreover, it enhances the quality of light in their working environment.

In their Action Report they also received suggestions for additional cost savings, such as upgrading fan convector heaters and aligning the timing of night storage heating with building occupancy.

Are you inspired to reduce your energy waste? We can help. Book an Energy Assessment with our expert team and find out how you manage your energy to save money on your bills and cut your carbon emissions.

Businesses typically save 19% on energy costs after implementing our recommendations.

Businesses with large roofs and significant daytime energy usage are ideal candidates to host a solar PV array to generate clean energy right on site. Low Carbon Hub works with businesses across Oxfordshire to install community-owned solar PV panels. Hosts benefit from cleaner, cheaper electricity, all at no cost to them.

Low Carbon Hub also puts all its profits into funding further carbon cutting activity and supporting our local communities. It’s a win-win all round.

Low Carbon Hub Thames Travel
Rooftop Solar PV array